
  • Created by: Anca.a
  • Created on: 31-03-18 11:57
What is mitosis?
Cell division that results in two daughter cells having the same number and type of chromosomes as the parent nucleus. Part of the cell cycle and it is important for asexual reproduction, growth and repair.
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What happens before mitosis in the S-phase?
each mother and father chromosome is replicated, to create two sister chromatids.
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Prophase: what happens to the chromosomes and nuclear envelope?
-Chromosomes undergo DNA supercoiling, making them dense and look like blobs in the nucleus. - the nuclear envelope breaks down, so the chromatids can be separated and pulled apart.
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Prophase: what happens to the centrioles?
-the centriole in animal cells, found in the centrosome region, divides and the two new daughter centrioles move to polar ends of the cell.the centrioles synthesise tubulin threads called spindles. Plant cells, tubulin threads formed from cytoplasm.
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-the sister chromatids attach to the spindle by their centromeres at the equator of the cell.
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-the centromere of each pair of chromatids splits. -each individual sister chromatid is pulled by motor proteins to the poles of the cell.
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-separated chromosomes reach the poles. -a new nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes.-the cell now contains two nuclei each genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell from which they arose.
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Cytokinesis in animal cells:
-plasma membrane folds inwards and "nips in" the cytoplasm.
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Cytokinesis in plant cells:
-end plate forms where equator of the spindle was. New plasma membrane and cellulose cell wall material are laid down along either side of end plate.
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Card 2


What happens before mitosis in the S-phase?


each mother and father chromosome is replicated, to create two sister chromatids.

Card 3


Prophase: what happens to the chromosomes and nuclear envelope?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Prophase: what happens to the centrioles?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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