Miscellaneous Sociology

It is an approach focusing on the large-scale social structures in which people play defined roles.
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Interpretivism (perspective)
Interpretivists start with the individual level and focus on the micro rather than the macro scale. They believe individuals are in control, pulling the strings of society.
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Based on a consensus view of society, functionalists emphasise social functions and ask,'What function does this aspect of society carry out that keeps this society stable and allows it to continue?'
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A sociological perspective that argues that modern industrial societies are based on a fundamental conflict between the classes. Marxists refer to the two main classes as the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
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A second sociological perspective that emphasises conflict. Like Marxists, feminists see a fundamental divison between two groups in society, a divison between the sexes. The control of society by men is called a patriarchy.
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An approach that concentrates on producing quantitative data, usually in the form of statistics. It is based on a belief that sociology should use the same methods as natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology.
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Interpretivism (method)
This approach focuses on acquiring a deep understanding of the individual. They tend to use unstructred interviews and participant obserrvation.
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What's the aim of sociological research?
To gain, not just information, but understanding of the problem. Research projects do not stand alone; they are always related to or even arise directly from earlier research.
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Card 2


Interpretivism (perspective)


Interpretivists start with the individual level and focus on the micro rather than the macro scale. They believe individuals are in control, pulling the strings of society.

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