  • Created by: floberry1
  • Created on: 16-05-17 16:29
what was the question that inspired Milgrams research
why the german population had followed the orders of Hitler.
1 of 21
what was it that he was studying
2 of 21
how dd he recruit the ppts
through an advert in the newspaper
3 of 21
who were the participants
40 male volunteers aged between 20-50
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what were the names given to the people involved
participant=teacher. confederate=learner. researcher=experimenter
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what is obedience
when a person follows direct orders usually given from a person of authority
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when was the learner given a shock
when they got the answer wrong or when they didn't answer
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what was the voltage rage of the shocks administered
15-450 volts
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at what voltage did the learner pound against the wall
300 volts
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how many participants stopped below 300 volts?
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what % of people stopped at 300volts
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what % of people continued to the highest voltage (450)
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what kind of qualitative data was collected?
how uncomfortable the participant was, protests etc
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who argued that the ppts didn't really believe in the set up of the experiment?
Orne and Holland
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what limitation would this indicate
low internal validity
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why was there good external validity?
because the lab environment accurately reflective wider authoritarian relationships
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who studied nurses in a ward
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how many of the nurses obeyed the doctors orders of administering lethal doses of drugs?
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why is this supporting evidence to milligrams study
because it shows that the findings of milligrams study can be generalised to other authoritarian situations
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what is the alternative explanation to the behaviour of the participants in milgrams study
social identity theory. the ppts identified with the experimenter and the scientific value of the experiment they thought they were participating in
20 of 21
what are the ethical issues of the study
Milligram deceived his participants letting them believe that the allocation of teacher and learner was random.
21 of 21

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Card 2


what was it that he was studying



Card 3


how dd he recruit the ppts


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Card 4


who were the participants


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Card 5


what were the names given to the people involved


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