milestone 1


1. Augustine de Candolle made the first distinction between the two great sub-disciplines of Biogeography: 1) The long (geological) timescales operating at continual-global spatial scales. Often concerned with larger units of biological classification

  • Historical
  • Ecological
1 of 16

Other questions in this quiz

2. Is Competition an abiotic or a biotic factor in an ecosystem?

  • biotic
  • abiotic

3. Is Air an abiotic or a biotic factor in an ecosystem?

  • Abiotic
  • biotic

4. What author does this theory belong to? 'Noted faunistic differences and similarities between regions of similar climate'

  • Georges Cuvier
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
  • Etienne Geoffroy Saint Hilaire
  • eorges Buffon
  • Charles Darwin

5. What author does this theory belong to? 'Large fossil mammals extinct due a catastrophic event'

  • Etienne Geoffroy Saint Hilaire
  • Georges Cuvier
  • Georges Buffon
  • Charles Darwin
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


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