Microphones and loudspeakers

What happens in dynamic microphones?
Sound wave hits diaphragm causing it to move in and out. Coil is moved up and down magnet. This motion includes current in the coil of wire. Direction of current varies as direction of movement changes.
1 of 5
What happens in microphones?
Current flowing through coil causes force due to motor effect. Direction of force given by left hand rule. As current alternatives, diaphragm caused to move in and out. Causes pressure waves in air. We hear this as sound
2 of 5
What converts sound waves to electrical current?
3 of 5
What converts electrical current to sound waves?
4 of 5
What does the resulting electrical signal from a dynamic microphone follow?
the same pattern as the original sound wave
5 of 5

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Card 2


What happens in microphones?


Current flowing through coil causes force due to motor effect. Direction of force given by left hand rule. As current alternatives, diaphragm caused to move in and out. Causes pressure waves in air. We hear this as sound

Card 3


What converts sound waves to electrical current?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What converts electrical current to sound waves?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the resulting electrical signal from a dynamic microphone follow?


Preview of the front of card 5


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