Metallic Bonding - Chemistry

  • Created by: Akshay101
  • Created on: 25-11-17 20:26
In Metallic bonding, what charge do the metal ions carry?
Positive charge
1 of 6
What charge do the delocalised electrons carry?
Negative charge (1-)
2 of 6
What force holds the ions together?
Electrostatic force between positive metal ions and delocalised electrons.
3 of 6
Use metallic bonding to explain why metals are good conductors of heat
The ions and delocalised electrons are close together so they can pass on the vibrations (kinetic energy) of the heat along the structure.
4 of 6
Use metallic bonding to explain why metals are good conductors of electricity
The delocalised electrons are mobile and free to move. So, when a voltage (potential difference) is applied, the electrons can easily flow from the negative to the positive end.
5 of 6
State the relationship between the amount of delocalised electrons and the electrical conductivity.
The more the delocalised electrons in the structure, the higher the electrical conductivity.
6 of 6

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What charge do the delocalised electrons carry?


Negative charge (1-)

Card 3


What force holds the ions together?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Use metallic bonding to explain why metals are good conductors of heat


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Use metallic bonding to explain why metals are good conductors of electricity


Preview of the front of card 5
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