
Who investigated into the duration of STM?
Peterson and Peterson
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What was the study conducted for duration of STM?
showed alphabetical trigram, then count backwards from a hundred in intervals of 3, then recall the trigram
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What were the results of the STM duration study?
80% of participants could recall trigrams after 3 seconds; only 10% of participants could recall trigrams after 18 seconds
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Who investigated the duration of LTM?
Bahrick et al
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Describe the duration LTM study
got participants to name every classmate in graduation photos, 90% accuracy when 14 years after graduation, 60% accuracy when 48 years after.
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what is the duration of memory in the sensory register?
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give 3 evaluation points for the duration of STM
- high ecological validity in Bahrick's study
- use of artificial tasks in P+P's study
- P+P study may be measuring displacement
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what are the 3 types of long term memory?
Procedural, semantic and episodic
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what are episodic memories?
memories that are time-stamped and contain emotional value
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what are semantic memories?
memory of factual information and knowledge that isn't time-stamped
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what are procedural memories?
memories as actions and skills, required from practice/repetition
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what is the difference between semantic/episodic memories and procedural memories?
semantic/procedural require conscious recall whereas procedural is unconscious
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Name all 4 evaluation points for types long term memory
+ brain scan support (diff parts active shows separation)
+ Clive wearing piano case study
- issues with case studies
+ RWA - specific treatments
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what are the 2 types of forgetting?
retrieval failure and interference
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name the 2 types of retrieval failure
state-dependent and context-dependent
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Define what a cue is
a trigger of information that allows us to access a memory
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The theory that a cue has to be present at both encoding and recall is called what?
Encoding specificity principle (by Tulving)
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who conducted the context-dependent forgetting study?
Godden and Baddedly (scuba diver recall)
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who conducted the state-dependent forgetting study?
Cassady and Carter (anti-hestemines)
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define interference
a memory disrupts the ability to recall another memory
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name the 2 types of interference
retroactive and proactive
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define retroactive interference
where new memories disrupt old memories
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define proactive interference
where old memories disrupt new memories
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who and what was the proactive interference study?
memorised 10+ original lists, 24 hrs later memorised 10+ new lists (better recall of new lists)
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who and what was the retroactive interference study?
Muller (yohgurt) and Pillzecker
learn syllables, complete separate task, recall the syllables
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what would be the research support evaluation point for interference?
Baddedly and Hitch - rugby players, those who played more matches had poorer recall
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what would be the RWA for interference?
competing adverts to hinder recall of their competitors
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who devised the cognitive interview?
Geiselman and Fisher
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Name 2 characteristics of the standard interview
- interviewer does most of the talking
- asks specific questions (usually requiring a specific response)
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Name all 4 components of the cognitive interview
1. report everything
2. reverse order
3. change perspective
4. mental reinstatement of the original context (recreation)
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what is the enhanced cognitive interview?
focuses more on what interviewer should do and emphasised effective and required skills
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give 2 examples of skills interviewers in the enhanced cognitive interview should possess
- building rapport
- asking open questions
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give 4 evaluation points for the cognitive interview
+ research support {34% correct recall increase}
- time consuming
- it increases both correct and incorrect info
- cant establish effectiveness as not every force use it
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the study conducted for duration of STM?


showed alphabetical trigram, then count backwards from a hundred in intervals of 3, then recall the trigram

Card 3


What were the results of the STM duration study?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who investigated the duration of LTM?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the duration LTM study


Preview of the front of card 5
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