meiosis and variation quiz

quiz to accompany power point, ocr f215 spec, good luck :)

  • Created by: danni :)
  • Created on: 21-05-13 21:43
produces genetically varying haploid cells
1 of 11
during metaphase I.....
Bivalents line up on equator, attached to spindle fibres by their centromeres
2 of 11
anaphase I is important in sexual reproduction because:
it halves the number of chromosomes
3 of 11
plants usually miss
interphase II
4 of 11
during meiosis II spindle fibres form
perpendicular to those formed in meiosis I
5 of 11
meiosis II forms
4 haploid daughter cells
6 of 11
a genotype is
the alleles of a particular gene or genes possessed by an organism
7 of 11
in discontinuous variation:
Different alleles at a single gene locus have large effects on phenotype
8 of 11
Polygenic traits
are influenced more by environment e.g., skin colour
9 of 11
What prevents a population from freely interbreeding?
different courtship behaviour
10 of 11
genetic drift
is the chance that alleles are passed on
11 of 11

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Card 2


during metaphase I.....


Bivalents line up on equator, attached to spindle fibres by their centromeres

Card 3


anaphase I is important in sexual reproduction because:


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Card 4


plants usually miss


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Card 5


during meiosis II spindle fibres form


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10. They are not attached by their centromeres

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