
  • Created by: Chloe1453
  • Created on: 13-05-18 12:19
A Roman physician who refined Hippocrates' ideas furhter and developed the Theory of Opposites. 2nd Century
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Theory of Miasma
The idea that swamps, corpses and rotting matter was the source of bad smells and this spread disease.
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Theory of the Four Humours
The theory was stated to be made up of the four basic elements where they were all balanced. If ill, then there was an imbalance in the humours.
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Diagnosed illnesses and recommended a course of treament
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Mainly mixed herbal remedies
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Barber Surgeons
Least qualified medical professionals
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Pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine. 1493 - 1541
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William Harvey
Proved that the liver did not digest food to create blood. Blood circulated around the body. 1628 published findings
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Thomas Sydenham
Made a point of closely observing the symptoms and treating the disease causing them. 1660s - 1670s
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Andreas Vesalius
In 1537, Six Atatomical Tables, showed the different parts of the human body labelled
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Louis Pasteur
Theorised that germs were causing decay as well as causing disease in the human body. Published theory in 1878
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Germ Theory
Certain diseases are caused by ceratin microbes
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Florence Nightingale
Saved lives in Crimean war in 1854. Changed layouts of hospitals in 1860.
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John Snow
Discovered chloera was trasmitted by dirty drinking water. 1854
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Edward Jenner
First vaccination against smallpow using cowpox in 1796. Published findings in 1798
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James Simpson
Inhaled vapours of chemicals to test a new anaesthetic (chloroform). 1847
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Joseph Lister
Sprayed carbolic acid during operations to prevent infection. 1865
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Robert Koch
Developed a new method to grow bacteria to identify microbes causing disease. 1880
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Spontaneous Generation
Microbes came from nowhere and were a product of decay not a cause of it
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James Watson and Francis Crick
Built a model of DNA based on x-rays from Franklin and Wilkins. 1953
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Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
Created images of DNA using x-rays in 1951
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Alexander Flemming
Accidentally created penicillin which was a mould in 1928
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Card 2


The idea that swamps, corpses and rotting matter was the source of bad smells and this spread disease.


Theory of Miasma

Card 3


The theory was stated to be made up of the four basic elements where they were all balanced. If ill, then there was an imbalance in the humours.


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Card 4


Diagnosed illnesses and recommended a course of treament


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Card 5


Mainly mixed herbal remedies


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