Media Theories

The idea that audiences passively accept intended meaning of a media text and change their behaviour in the way the media producers intend​
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"Genres are instances of repetition and differences"​

Genres may be dominated by repetition, but are marked by difference, variation and change​

Genre's change, develop and vary as they borrow from and overlap with one another​

Genres exist with specif
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Cultivation Theory – George Gerbner​
Exposure to repeated patterns of repetition over long periods of time can influence the way people perceive the world and behave – cultivating certain opinions and views​

Cultivation reinforces mainstream values e.g., patriarchy, capitalism​

Mean world
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Liesbet Van Zoonen​
Media portrays images of stereotypical women, and this behaviour reinforces societal views. The media does this because they believe it reflects dominant social values and male producers are influenced by this​

Gender is reinforced through discourse​

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Judith Butler
Performativity of gender is a stylized repetition of acts, an imitation of the dominant conventions of gender. Butler argues that 'the act that one does, that act that one performs is, in a sense, an act that’s been going on before one arrived on the scen
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bell hooks
In feminist theory; hooks proposes a new definition of feminism, one that does not simply fight for the equality of women and men, but of a movement that fights to end sexist oppression and exploitation without neglecting other forms of oppression such as
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Card 2


"Genres are instances of repetition and differences"​

Genres may be dominated by repetition, but are marked by difference, variation and change​

Genre's change, develop and vary as they borrow from and overlap with one another​

Genres exist with specif



Card 3


Exposure to repeated patterns of repetition over long periods of time can influence the way people perceive the world and behave – cultivating certain opinions and views​

Cultivation reinforces mainstream values e.g., patriarchy, capitalism​

Mean world


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Card 4


Media portrays images of stereotypical women, and this behaviour reinforces societal views. The media does this because they believe it reflects dominant social values and male producers are influenced by this​

Gender is reinforced through discourse​



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Card 5


Performativity of gender is a stylized repetition of acts, an imitation of the dominant conventions of gender. Butler argues that 'the act that one does, that act that one performs is, in a sense, an act that’s been going on before one arrived on the scen


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