Media coverage prior to any court case

  • Created by: Alasdaire
  • Created on: 02-02-23 12:31
presumption of innocence
those charged with crimes are not required to prove innocence - the prosecution has to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt
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a police officer can arrest anyone who has committed, committing or is about to commit a criminal offence
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police questioning of suspects
journalists should check whether the suspect is helping police voluntarily or is under arrest. If the case has become 'active', contempt law effects what can be published
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limits to detention
no one should be held under arrest for more than 24 hours. If there is no charge then the person can be released
the superintendent can authorise a further 12 hours of someone suspected of an indictable offence
police can ask magistrates' to extend the de
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false imprisonment
person accusing police of unlawful arrest must prove the grounds for arrest were so
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The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
CPS is responsible for most prosecutions
- decides, in all minor cases, whether a suspect should be prosecuted and on what charges
- a charge makes a case active under contempt if it is not active already because of arrest
- a case ceases to be 'active' i
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Card 2


a police officer can arrest anyone who has committed, committing or is about to commit a criminal offence



Card 3


journalists should check whether the suspect is helping police voluntarily or is under arrest. If the case has become 'active', contempt law effects what can be published


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Card 4


no one should be held under arrest for more than 24 hours. If there is no charge then the person can be released
the superintendent can authorise a further 12 hours of someone suspected of an indictable offence
police can ask magistrates' to extend the de


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Card 5


person accusing police of unlawful arrest must prove the grounds for arrest were so


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