MCT - cognitive memory

what is Korsakoff syndrome
chronic memory disorder
1 of 19
what vitamin deficiency leads to Korsakoff syndrome?
thiamine (B-1)
2 of 19
what is a common cause of Korsakoff syndrome
alcohol misuse
3 of 19
what is another name for Korsakoff syndrome?
Wernicke encephalopathy
4 of 19
Korsakoff syndrome; symptoms:
confusion, loss of mental activity
5 of 19
Additional symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome
loss of muscle coordination, vision changes
6 of 19
cognitive interview pioneers?
Fisher & Geiselman, 1992
7 of 19
common problems those with Korsakoff syndrome have
8 of 19
Nyberg & Nilsson
9 of 19
N&M study?
items on shopping list
10 of 19
N&M found episodic memory improved by
11 of 19
enactment affected
free recall only
12 of 19
N&M results suggest: free recall and category association have
process sensitive to semantic processing in study
13 of 19
N&M 1995 study also suggests that free recall involves retrieval process in
addition that is facilitated by rich encoding environment
14 of 19
Craik et al 1996 study examined
15 of 19
Craik et al 1996 - conditions, word list/ word pairs ...
recalled orally, presented auditory
16 of 19
Craik et al 1996 - second task?
visual continuous reaction-time task with manual responses
17 of 19
Craik et al 1996 - results - at encoding DA was associated with
large reductions in memory performance but small increase in RT - esp in recall
18 of 19
Craik et al 1996 - memory performance sensitive to
changes in task
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what vitamin deficiency leads to Korsakoff syndrome?


thiamine (B-1)

Card 3


what is a common cause of Korsakoff syndrome


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is another name for Korsakoff syndrome?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Korsakoff syndrome; symptoms:


Preview of the front of card 5
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