Matters of Life and Death (Keywords)


1. What's the Near Death Experience

  • Your spirit comes out of your body to return to God
  • When your body dies and s then revived
  • When someone has an out of the body experience
  • When the soul goes up to Heaven or down to Hell to experience what it's like
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2. Sanctity of Life

  • The belief that life is holy and belongs to God
  • It is only God who had created human beings
  • The belief that only God has the right to take life
  • Only God has control over our souls

3. What is Euthanasia

  • When you kill someone lawfully
  • The painless killing of a very sick person when that person is unable to ask, and you have a good reason to do so
  • When you kill someone based on the person's situation
  • The harmless killing of someone

4. What is meant by the "resurrection"

  • A dead body given a new life
  • The event that occurs on Judgement Day
  • The idea that the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
  • The embodiment of a dead body

5. What is Active Euthanasia

  • Euthanasia done from your own free will
  • Killing someone unintetionally
  • This is when deliberate steps are taken to end someone's life
  • Actively carrying out euthanasia because of situation ethics


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