Matters Of Life

What do Christians think of egg donation?
It will confuse kids by introducing a third parent.
1 of 26
When do Roman Catholics believe life begins?
At conception.
2 of 26
What fertility treatments do CoE believers agree with?
IVF, AIH, Surrogacy & Embryology
3 of 26
What do RC's think of embryology?
It offends sanctity of life.
4 of 26
Which fertility treatments do Muslims agree with?
IVF, AIH & Embryology
5 of 26
What do Muslims think of AID?
It's adultery.
6 of 26
Where do Muslims stand when it comes to transplants?
Some disagree and some agree with it.
7 of 26
Which Islamic statement on transplants is incorrect?
All Muslims have to have donor cards.
8 of 26
Why do Jehovah Witness' disagree with transfusions?
The soul is in the blood so a transfusion contaminates the soul.
9 of 26
Some Muslims agree with blood transfusions because...
they can save lives in a genuine emergency.
10 of 26
Some Muslims disagree with blood transfusions because...
blood shouldn't be sold as it's Allah's creation.
11 of 26
What is cloning?
Making an identical copy of something.
12 of 26
Which cloning method is also known as "human cloning"?
13 of 26
Thereapeutic Cloning is....
using embryos to make replacement tissues and organs.
14 of 26
Embryonic Cloning is...
replacing genetic material in an egg cell with different genetic material?
15 of 26
Reproductive Cloning is...
creating an identical copy of an organism.
16 of 26
Which cloning method do CoE believers agree with?
17 of 26
Christians see reproductive cloning as...
idolatrous and playing God.
18 of 26
What do Christians think of embryonic cloning?
disrespectful to sanctity of life and playing God.
19 of 26
Which cloning method do Muslims disagree with?
20 of 26
Muslims agree with embryonic cloning because life doesn't begin...
until ensoulment between 40-120 days.
21 of 26
Muslims agree with thereapeutic cloning because...
curing people is rewarded/recommended by Allah
22 of 26
What is the Christian view on genetic engineering?
AGAINST - playing God, disrespecting sanctity of life & individuality
23 of 26
What is the Muslim view on genetic engineering?
FOR - preventing illnesses is better than curing them later on.
24 of 26
What is the definition of embryology?
the study and experimentation of embryos.
25 of 26
Roman Catholics believe that embryology...
is wrong because it offends sanctity of life.
26 of 26

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When do Roman Catholics believe life begins?


At conception.

Card 3


What fertility treatments do CoE believers agree with?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do RC's think of embryology?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which fertility treatments do Muslims agree with?


Preview of the front of card 5
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