Maths. Statistics

How would you plot a histogram?
Find the Class Width and The Frequency Density and plot it by that.
1 of 8
What is Class Width?
The difference betwwen the larger number and the smaller number. E.g 20 < t < 35 which would be 15. 35-20= 15
2 of 8
How do you work out frequency?
Frequency Density X Class Width
3 of 8
How do you work out Frequency Density?
Frequency/ Class Width.
4 of 8
When given an question to estimate more than e.g 85 kg or less... you....
Work out the area of all of the historgram charts and draw a line from 85 kg and find out the area there.
5 of 8
On a Frequency Table how would you find out estimated mean?
Make mid points from the class intervals. Then multiply the mid point by the frequency called SF. Add up all the SF and add up all the frequency seperately. Then divide Sf by frequency.
6 of 8
How would you find out the median interval?
Add up all the frequency. Then divide it by 2. Then you call it e.g 28th. And then make a cummalative frequency column right next to the frequency ( adding up numbers down the column) And whichever has 28th in their group is the median interval
7 of 8
How do you work out to find an angle in a pie chart?
You have to add up all the frequency and divide by 360.
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is Class Width?


The difference betwwen the larger number and the smaller number. E.g 20 < t < 35 which would be 15. 35-20= 15

Card 3


How do you work out frequency?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do you work out Frequency Density?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When given an question to estimate more than e.g 85 kg or less... you....


Preview of the front of card 5
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