Maths rules

  • Created by: TillyF
  • Created on: 01-01-17 09:45
How can we calculate the total number of ways two tasks can be done?
m x n when there are m ways of doing something and n ways of doing something
1 of 142
When we multiply powers what do we do to the indices?
When we multiply powers we add the indices X^m x X^n = X^m+n
2 of 142
When we divide powers what do we do to the indices?
When we divide powers we subtract the indices X^m / X^n = X^m-n
3 of 142
When we raise a power to another power what do we do to the indices?
When we raise a power to another power, we multiply the indices. eg. (a^n)^m = a^nxm
4 of 142
What does any number to the power of 0 equal?
Anything to the power of 0 = 1 eg. 4^0 = 1
5 of 142
What happens when a^-1?
a^1 = 1 / a
6 of 142
What happens when a^-m
a^-m = 1 / a^m
7 of 142
What happens when a^1/2
a^1/2 = √a
8 of 142
What happens when a^1/m
a^1/m = m√a
9 of 142
What happens when a^m/n
a^m/n = (n√a)^m
10 of 142
How do we write a number in standard form?
A number in standard format A x 10^n, where A is a number between 1 and 10 and n is an integer
11 of 142
How do we rationalise the denominator?
To rationalise the denominator, multiply the denominator and the numerator by the surd in the denominator and simplify.
12 of 142
How do we simplify a surd?
Identify any factors that are square numbers
13 of 142
What happens when a^1/n
a^1/n = n√a
14 of 142
What is an identity?
When two sides of a relation such as 2(x + 5) = 2x + 10 are equal for all values of x it is called an identity
15 of 142
How do we expand a bracket eg. x(y+z)
x(y+z) = xy+xz
16 of 142
How do we calculate the HCF?
We find the products of prime factors for both of the numbers you are finding the HCF from. To find the HCF, we find any common factors of the two numbers and multiply the numbers together to find the HCF.
17 of 142
How do we calculate the LCM?
We find the products of prime factors for both numbers, using a prime factor tree. To find the LCM we multiply the HCF and the left over numbers together.
18 of 142
Find the HCF and LCM of 24 and 180?
prime factors of 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 HCF = 2 x 2 x 3 = 12 LCM = 12 x 3 x 2 x 5 = 360
19 of 142
What is an expression?
An expression contains letter and number terms but no equals signs
20 of 142
What is an equation?
An equation has an equals sign, terms in one letter and numbers
21 of 142
What is a formula?
A formula has an equals sign and letters to represent different quantities
22 of 142
What is an arithmetic sequence?
In an arithmetic sequence the terms increase or decrease by a fixed number = common difference
23 of 142
What do we do when an arithmetic sequence has a common difference of d? Let the common difference be p
When an arithmetic sequence with a common difference d is input into this function machine, the output sequence has a common difference p x d
24 of 142
What happens in a Fibonacci sequence?
In a Fibonacci sequence, the next number is found by adding the previous two numbers together
25 of 142
What happens in a geometric sequence?
In a geometric sequence the terms increase or decrease by a constant multiplier eg. the nth term is ar^n
26 of 142
How can we work out the nth term of a quadratic sequence?
1. work out the second difference 2. halve the second difference to get a an^2 term 3. subtract the sequence an^2, you may need to add a constant or find the nth term of the remaining terms.
27 of 142
What is a frequency polygon?
A frequency polygon is a graph made by joining the midpoints of the bars in a bar chart with straight lines.
28 of 142
What is the modal class?
The modal class has the highest frequency
29 of 142
How do we estimate the mean from a grouped frequency table?
Add together the products of class midpoints and their frequencies, and divide by the total frequency
30 of 142
How do we find the group where the median lies in a grouped frequency table? let the total frequency be n
The median lies in the group containing the n + 1 / 2 th item of data
31 of 142
What is a interpolation?
Using a line of best fit to predict data within the range of data
32 of 142
What is a extrapolation?
Using a line of best fit to predict data outside the range of data given
33 of 142
How can we write the reciprocal of a number?
The reciprocal of the number n is 1/n or this can be written as n^-1
34 of 142
How do we turn a mixed number fraction into an improper fraction?
1. multiply the whole number part with the denominator of the fraction 2. add that to the numerator 3. then write the result on top of the denominator
35 of 142
When are two quantities in direct proportion?
When two quantities are in direct proportion, as one is multiplied by a number, n, so is the other, their ratio stays the same as they either increase or decrease
36 of 142
How can we share a quantity in a given ratio?
Work out how much one part is worth and then multiply this by the number of parts each person receives.
37 of 142
How can we calculate percentage change? What is the formula for percentage change?
percentage change = actual change/original amount x 100
38 of 142
How can we calculate percentage loss (or profit)?
percentage loss (or profit = actual loss (or profit) / original amount x 100
39 of 142
What does depreciate mean?
Loss in value
40 of 142
What does per annum mean?
Per year
41 of 142
What do we multiply a reoccurring decimal by if a. 1 decimal place recurs b. 2 decimal places reoccurs c. 3 decimal places reoccur
a. x10 b. x100 c. x1000
42 of 142
Convert the reoccurring decimal into a fraction. 1.042424242...
x = 1.0424242... 1000x = 1042.42424242... 10x = 10.424242... 1000x - 10x = 990x 1042.424242 - 10.424242 = 1032 so 990x = 1032 fraction = 1032/990
43 of 142
Angles on a straight line add up to?
44 of 142
For any polygon interior + exterior angle =?
45 of 142
In a triangle, the exterior angle is equal to the two triangles at the..
other two vertices
46 of 142
What is the formula to calculate the sum of the interior angles in a regular polygon?
n = number of sides (n-2) x 180
47 of 142
What is the formula to calculate the sum of exterior angles in a regular polygon?
360/n = exterior angles in a regular polygon (where n = number of sides)
48 of 142
What is Pythagoras' theorem?
a^2 + b^2 = c^2 and c^2 = a^2 + b^2 (c is always the hypotenuse)
49 of 142
What is the hypotenuse opposite to in a right angles triangle?
The right angle
50 of 142
What sides do we label opposite and adjacent in a right angled triangle?
side opposite theta = opposite angle / side next to theta = adjacent
51 of 142
sinϑ =?
sinϑ = opposite / hypotenuse
52 of 142
cosϑ =?
cosϑ = adjacent / hypotenuse
53 of 142
tanϑ =?
tanϑ = opposite / adjacent
54 of 142
When do we use inverse sin/cos/tan? (sin-1/cos-1/tan-1)
When we want to calculate a missing angle (ϑ)
55 of 142
What is the a. the angle of elevation? b. the angle of depression?
a. the angle measured upwards from the horizontal b. the angle measured downwards from the horizontal
56 of 142
What is the equation for a straight line graph?
y = mx + c where m = the gradient and c = the y-intercept
57 of 142
What do parallel lines have in common?
parallel lines have the same gradient
58 of 142
How can we find a. the y-intercept b. the gradient
a. find the y-co ordinate where x = 0 b. find the x-co ordinate where y = 0
59 of 142
Equation for average speed?
speed = total distance/total time
60 of 142
Equation for acceleration? (velocity time graph)
acceleration = change in velocity / time
61 of 142
How do we find distance travelled from a velocity time graph?
the area under a velocity time graph is the distance travelled
62 of 142
Equation for the co-ordinates of the midpoints?
(X1 + X2 / 2 , Y1 + Y2 / 2)
63 of 142
When two lines are perpendicular the product of the gradients is?
64 of 142
When a graph has a gradient of m, what is the gradient of a line perpendicular to it?
65 of 142
What is the equation of a circle with centre (0,0) and radius r
x^2 + y^2 = r^2
66 of 142
Formula for the area of a trapezium?
67 of 142
How do we convert a. cm^2 to mm^2 b. mm^2 to cm^2
a. x 100 b. /100
68 of 142
What is volume measured in?
mm^3 cm^3 or m^3
69 of 142
How to calculate volume of a prism?
= area of cross section x length
70 of 142
Circumference formula?
πd or 2πr
71 of 142
area of a circle formula?
72 of 142
Volume of a cylinder?
73 of 142
Surface area of cylinder?
2πr + 2πrh
74 of 142
Surface area of a sphere?
75 of 142
Volume of a sphere?
76 of 142
Volume of pyramid?
1/3area of base x vertical height
77 of 142
Volume of cone?
1/3 area of base x vertical height (1/3πr^2h)
78 of 142
Curved surface area of cone?
πrl (r = radius / l = slanted length)
79 of 142
Total surface area of cone?
πrl + πr^2
80 of 142
What is the a. plan b. front elevation c. side elevation
a. the view from above the object b. the view of the front of the object c. the view of the side of the object
81 of 142
What are the four types of transformations?
reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements
82 of 142
What do you need to describe a rotation?
direction of turn (clockwise or anticlockwise), angle of turn and centre of rotation
83 of 142
How do we describe an enlargement?
centre of enlargement and the scale factor (to find COE join corresponding points of the object to the image)
84 of 142
What happens when a scale factor is negative?
The shape is the opposite side of the COE
85 of 142
In a vector what does the top and the bottom number represent?
top number = right or left (left is negative) bottom number = up or down (down is negative)
86 of 142
What is a bearing and how do we measure a bearing correctly? How many digits must you write a bearing in?
A bearing is an angle in degrees, clockwise from north. A bearing is always written using three digits.
87 of 142
What does a. perpendicular bisector do b. angle bisector do
a. perpendicular bisectors cuts a line in half at a right angle b. angle bisector cuts an angle exactly in half
88 of 142
What is the quadratic formula?
x= -b + or - √b^2 - 4ac / 2a (all over 2a) ​​
89 of 142
Completing the square formula?
(x + b/2)^2 - (b/2)^2 + c
90 of 142
How can we find the co-ordinates where two graphs intersect?
By using simultaneous equations
91 of 142
What does a. empty circle b. filled circle represent on an inequality number line
a. the value is not included b. the value is included
92 of 142
What is the set notation for an inequality?
( x : x > n)
93 of 142
What should you do to the inequality signs when you divide or multiply by a negative number?
You should reverse the inequality signs
94 of 142
When an inequality has an upper and lower limit, you should..
Solve the two sides separately
95 of 142
What happens if two events are mutually exclusive?
They cannot happen at the same time
96 of 142
How can we calculate P(not A) for mutually exclusive events?
1 - P(A)
97 of 142
How can we calculate the expected number of outcomes?
Expected number of outcomes = number of trials x probability
98 of 142
How can we calculate relative frequency?
Relative frequency = frequency / total number of trials
99 of 142
What happens if two events are independent?
If one happening does not affect the probability of the other, they are independent
100 of 142
How do we find the probability of two independent events?
Multiply their probabilities eg. P(a) x P(b) = P(a and b)
101 of 142
What does a. P(A∩B) b. P(AUB) c. A' d. P(A ∩B I B)
a. A intersection B (all elements in A and B) b. A union B (all elements in A or B or both) c. Elements not in A d. The probability of A and B given B
102 of 142
What is compound interest?
The interest earned each year added to money in the account and earns interest the next year
103 of 142
Formula for total interest?
Total interest = amount in the account at the end of the investment - amount invested
104 of 142
How can we calculate compound interest?
initial amount x (100+interest rate/ 100)^n (where n = number of years)
105 of 142
Density formula? Pressure formula?
Density = mass / volume Pressure = force / area
106 of 142
When x and y are in direct proportion k =?
k = y/x as y =kx (where k is the gradient of the graph)
107 of 142
What happens when x and y are in inverse proportion?
y is proportional to 1/x as one doubles the other halves and xy = k so y = k/x
108 of 142
What are congruent shapes?
Shapes that have the same size/ shape and angles
109 of 142
What are the rules of congruency?
110 of 142
When are shapes similar?
When one shape is an enlargement of the other
111 of 142
When the linear scale factor is k: a. lengths are multiplied by ... b. area is multiplied by c. volume is multiplied by
a. k b. k^2 c. k^3
112 of 142
When does a. a sine graph first hit 0 and repeat b. a cosine graph first hit 0 and repeat c. when does a tangent graph repeat
a. first hits zero at 180 and hits zero in intervals of 180, repeats every 360 b. hit zero first at 90 and hits 0 every 180, repeats every 360 in both directions c. tangent graph repeats every 180 in both directions
113 of 142
What is the formula for the area of a triangle using sin?
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What is the formula for the sine rule to calculate an unknown side?
a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC
115 of 142
What is the formula for the sine rule to calculate a unknown angle?
sinA/a = sinB/b = sinC/c
116 of 142
What is the formula for the cosine rule to calculate an unknown side?
a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bcCosA
117 of 142
What is the formula for the cosine rule to calculate an unknown angle?
CosA = b^2 + c^2 - a^2 / 2bc
118 of 142
The graph of y = -f(x) is the refection of the graph y =f(x) in the..
x - axis
119 of 142
The graph of y = f(-x) is the reflection of the graph y =f(x) in the...
y - axis
120 of 142
The graph y = -f(-x) is a reflection in both the ...
x and y - axis and are equivalent to a rotation of 180 degrees from the origin
121 of 142
The graph y = f(x+a) is a vertical stretch of the graph y = f(x) by
a scale factor of a, parallel to the y- axis
122 of 142
The graph of y = f(ax) is a horizontal stretch of the graph of y - f(x) with a scale factor of
1/a parallel to the x-axis
123 of 142
What is a. census b. sample c. stratified sample d. strata
a. a survey of the whole population b. a smaller number os items from a population c. a number of people taken from each group proportional to the group size d. a group of a population
124 of 142
How can we calculate a. the median b. lower quartile c. upper quartile d. interquartile from a cumulative frequency diagram
a. n/2th value b. n/4th value c. 3n/4th value d. UQ - LQ = IQ
125 of 142
For a set of n data values how do we calculate the a. Lower quartile b. Upper quartile
a. (n+1)/4 b. 3(n+1)/4
126 of 142
Formula for frequency density?
frequency density = frequency / class width
127 of 142
The angle between a tangent and radius =
90 degrees
128 of 142
Tangents drawn from a point outside the circle are..
equal in length
129 of 142
What is a chord?
A straight line connecting two points on a circle
130 of 142
An angle at the centre of a circle is...
twice the angle at the circumference when both are subtended from the same arc
131 of 142
The angle in a semicircle is...
at a right angle
132 of 142
Angles subtended at the circumference by the same arc are..
133 of 142
Angles in the same segment are...
134 of 142
What is a cyclic quadrilateral?
A quadrilateral with all four vertices on the circumference of a circle
135 of 142
Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral...
add up to 180
136 of 142
An exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to..
to the opposite interior angle
137 of 142
What is the alternate segment rule?
The angle between the tangent and the chord is equal to the angle in the alternate segment
138 of 142
When we expand three brackets what do we do first?
expand two of the brackets first
139 of 142
How can we calculate the turning point?
By completing the square
140 of 142
How can we find the roots of an equation?
By expanding the brackets
141 of 142
How can we calculate the y-intercept from the solutions in the brackets in a cubic equation?
multiplying all the numbers in the brackets together gives the y-intercept for a cubic graph
142 of 142

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When we multiply powers what do we do to the indices?


When we multiply powers we add the indices X^m x X^n = X^m+n

Card 3


When we divide powers what do we do to the indices?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When we raise a power to another power what do we do to the indices?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does any number to the power of 0 equal?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




Great but what exam board is this for? or is general?




jessica jayne farmer


this helped thank you :)



this is really bad 

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