maths equations

how do you work out the area of a circle?
1 of 19
how do you work our the cercumference of a circle?
2 of 19
how do you work out the area of a rectangle?
length x width
3 of 19
how do you work out the area of a triangle?
1/2 bxh
4 of 19
how do you work out the volume of a cuboid?
length x width x height
5 of 19
how do you work out the volume of a prism?
Multiply the cross sectional area of the prism by its length
6 of 19
how fo you work out the area of a trapezium?
1/2 (a+b) h
7 of 19
how do you work out the perimeter of a triangle?
add all the sides together
8 of 19
how do you work out the perimeter of a square?
add all the sides together
9 of 19
add all the number up and divide by how many numbers there are
10 of 19
number that appears the most
11 of 19
order the numbers smallest to biggest, cross out each side until you get to the middle number. if there are 2 numbers in the middle then you work out the halfway between them.
12 of 19
put the numbers in order and subtract the amallest number from the biggest number
13 of 19
prime numbers
14 of 19
square numbers
15 of 19
% of ammounts
calculator- ÷100 x% non calculator-10% first
16 of 19
how do you work out the area of a square?
b x h
17 of 19
fractions and ammounts
ammount ÷ denominaor x by the numerator
18 of 19
long side- sqaure square add square root, short side- square square subtract square root
19 of 19

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Card 2


how do you work our the cercumference of a circle?



Card 3


how do you work out the area of a rectangle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how do you work out the area of a triangle?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how do you work out the volume of a cuboid?


Preview of the front of card 5
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