Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the equation for the area of a triangle?

  • Triangle = 1/2 X h
  • triangle area = 1/2 base X height
  • area = base X height
  • triangle area = 1/2 length X base

3. What is the quadratic formula?

  • x = -b ± 4ac/ 2a
  • x = -b ± 2a
  • x = -b ± √ b^2 - 4ac / 2a
  • x = 4ac / 2a

4. what is the equation used to calculate pressure?

  • pressure = lenght X width
  • pressure = force / area
  • pressure = force X area
  • pressure = 2 X force X area

5. What is the equation for the area of a parallelogram?

  • parallelogram = length X width
  • parallelogram = base/height
  • parallelogram area = base X height
  • parallelogram = base X base


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