
  • Created by: Ebani may
  • Created on: 05-10-18 11:31
What is algebra?
A formulae of numbers and letters
1 of 13
In algebra, what do the letters stand for?
They stand for values that can change (variables)
2 of 13
What is a term in algebraic expression?
A term is a number or letter on its own
3 of 13
What is an expression in algebraic expression?
Expressions are a set of terms combined using the operations ( PLUS, MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE)
4 of 13
How do you find the perimeter?
The perimter is found by adding all the lengths of the sides of a shape
5 of 13
John is 'n' years old. Kim is three years younger than John. Vanessa is half Kim's age
Kim (n minus 3) Vanessa (n minus 3 and divide by 2)
6 of 13
Simlpify b+b+b+b=
7 of 13
Simplify 6b+5b-5b=
8 of 13
How do you write 58,345 in words?
Fifty eight thousand , three hundred and fourtyfive
9 of 13
What does the sign > mean?
Greater than
10 of 13
What does the sign < mean?
Less than
11 of 13
What is 0.46 as a fraction?
46 over 100
12 of 13
What is 50% of £80?
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


In algebra, what do the letters stand for?


They stand for values that can change (variables)

Card 3


What is a term in algebraic expression?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an expression in algebraic expression?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you find the perimeter?


Preview of the front of card 5
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