
In Trigonometery we use a right angled triangle most of the time.
The longest side of a right-angled triangle is the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is always opposite the right angle.
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A sphere has two sides. However, there are one-sided surfaces.
To find the Circumference of a circle we calculate 3.14159265359 x Diameter
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To find the area of a circle we calculate 3.14159265359 x Radius (Squared, To the power 2)
The circumference of a circle is the interior length from one side of a circle to the other
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The Radius is the interior length halfway between any two sides of a circle
When working out fractions, you try to make the denominator of a fraction even before trying to work out the equation.
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To multiply a fraction, you multiply across as the numbers are written
To divide a fraction you have to flip the second fraction and make the numerator the denominator and the denominator the numerator.
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To find "x" you have to minus or plus the value before the equal sign from the value after the equal sign depending on the sign that is in the equation (If its a "+" then "-" but if its a "-" then "+"
x + 3 = 10 What's the value of x?
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To find prime factor values of a number you have to divide each value equally, if the number doesn't divide equally then its not prime!
Example- 25 can be divided down to 5 x 5 so the prime factor values of 25 are 5 x 5
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To didvide you have to work out how many tmes a number goes into another, if the number isn't equal then it wont divide wholly, therefore you will have a remainder figure
Pi =3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 ...
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In maths we use 3.142 as a shorter version to work out a π Question.
Standard form, or standard index form, is a system of working with, and writing, very large or very small numbers. It is based on using powers of 10 to express how big or small a number is.
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Standard form, or standard index form, is a system of working with, and writing, very large or very small numbers. It is based on using powers of 10 to express how big or small a number is.
The area of the largest square is the sum of the area of the other two squares. Equation: 25cm (Power 2) = 9cm (Power 2) + 16cm (Power 2) This is Pythagoras' theorem.
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If the sides of the right-angled triangle are labelled Equation: a, Equation: b and Equation: c then Pythagoras' theorem states A squared + B squared = C squared
A shape can be reflected across a line of reflection to create an image.
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The line of reflection is also called the mirror line.
A translation moves a shape up, down or from side to side but it does not change its appearance in any other way.
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Rotation turns a shape around a fixed point called the centre of rotation. Rotation is an example of a transformation. A transformation is a way of changing the size or position of a shape.
The lengths of the larger square are 3 times longer than the smaller square. The length scale factor is 3. The area of the smaller square is 9 cm2. The area of the larger square is 81 cm2.
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There are 360° in a full turn, 180° in a half turn and 90° in a quarter turn. A quarter turn is called a right angle.
An acute angle is an angle less than 90°.
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An obtuse angle is an angle between 90° and 180°.
A reflex angle is an angle between 180° and 360°.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


To find the Circumference of a circle we calculate 3.14159265359 x Diameter


A sphere has two sides. However, there are one-sided surfaces.

Card 3


The circumference of a circle is the interior length from one side of a circle to the other


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


When working out fractions, you try to make the denominator of a fraction even before trying to work out the equation.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


To divide a fraction you have to flip the second fraction and make the numerator the denominator and the denominator the numerator.


Preview of the back of card 5
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