Marxist theory of religion

What do Marxists believe about religion?
They believe it is a conservative force that reproduces and justifies class inequality.
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What does Marx say?
He believed that religion was part of the superstructure of capitalism and its main function was to benefit capitalism though its power as an ideology.
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How does he argue it maintains capitalism?
It suggests inequality is God-given and unchangeable and teaches the poor that their poverty is a test from God.
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What does Engels say?
That socialism and capitalism have similar features but the difference is Christianity only provides its followers with salvation in the afterlife, whereas socialism provides a better future in this life.
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How does Marxists apply inequality to Hinduism?
Hindus believe that they are born into their caste (similar to social class) and this is based on their actions in a previous life. This therefore justifies exploitation if they are in a lower caste.
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What is the opium of the masses?
What Marx described as how religion comforts the working class about the alienation they experience in the workplace. Religion promotes social stability because it prevents a working-class revolution.
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How does Leach support Marxism?
Leach claims that there is a strong connection between the powerful and the national religion that is imposed upon the public e.g., the Queen of England is also the head of the Church of England.
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How does Norris and Inglehart support Marxism?
They believe the poor are more likely to be religious as they are less secure in predicting their future, so they turn to religion as the only source of comfort they will have.
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What are some criticisms of this theory?
Some sociologists claim that society has become more secular and therefore question the influence that religion can have on exploiting the working class.
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What is a criticism of Marx?
Marx predicted that religion would cease to exist in a communist society but this has not occurred in some of the communist states that have emerged.
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Marx fails to consider examples where religion has helped to influence positive change for the most vulnerable as his analysis only focuses on the conservative nature of religion.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Marx say?


He believed that religion was part of the superstructure of capitalism and its main function was to benefit capitalism though its power as an ideology.

Card 3


How does he argue it maintains capitalism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Engels say?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does Marxists apply inequality to Hinduism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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