macro key words (end of year 12)

  • Created by: tkaysav
  • Created on: 08-09-20 19:20
shoe leather costs
refers to the cost of consumers feeling the need to “shop around” to find the best price
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menu costs
refers to costs to business of repeatedly having to revise and update price lists like menus as costs are continuously rising
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balance of payments
is the record of a country’s transactions (trade and movement of money) with the rest of the world
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when outflows are greater than inflows
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when inflows are greater than outflows
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net investment income
the difference between inward and outward flows of investment income
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direct investment
which means putting money into the building of capital projects abroad
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portfolio investments
which tends to mean buying shares and bonds issued by overseas companies
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payments made between countries without anything of economic value received in return, e.g grants
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the london interbank offered rate, the rate at which banks lend eachother money
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commercial interest rates
the rates that commercial banks offer businesses interest and individuals for loans and savings
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public sector borrowing
the public sectors net cash requirement, aka borrowing requirement. is deliberately allowed to increase for a period of time in order for the macro economics objective of full employment to be achieved
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direct tax
taxes levied on income and wealth, the obligation to pay cannot be transferred onto someone else e.g income tax, national insurance, corporation tax
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indirect tax
taxes on spending, although the tax falls on the seller of the good, the seller simply increases the price to the buyer thus shifting the tax burden to the consumer e.g VAT, petrol, alcohol
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progressive taxation
as your income rises you pay a higher proportion of tax on that amount
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regressive tax
opposite to progressive tax where the poor lose a proportionally greater amount due to tax than the rich
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flat or proportional taxation
which is the proportion of income paid in tax remains the same for all levels of income
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the current account
is a measure of how competitive a country is (in terms of exports vs imports) and the extent to which it ‘lives within its means’
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balance of trade in goods
the figure represents the value of exports - value of imports on its own it does not tell us what those values were it just tells us the gap between them
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balance of trade in services
the figure shows that services is an area where it appears that the uk is internationally competitive
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Card 2


menu costs


refers to costs to business of repeatedly having to revise and update price lists like menus as costs are continuously rising

Card 3


balance of payments


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