Macbeth Key Quotes

A messenger to king Duncan reporting on the battle between Norway and Scotland
'For brave Macbeth and well he deserves that name'
1 of 24
The Witches at the beginning of the play
'Fair is foul and foul is fair'
2 of 24
Lady Macbeth on Macbeth's kind nature
'Yet do i fear thy nature is too full o'the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way'
3 of 24
Lady Macbeth talking to the spirits
'Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here'
4 of 24
Lady Macbeth's advice to Macbeth
'Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't '
5 of 24
Macbeth lamenting on whether he should kill king Duncan
'Hes here in double trust'
6 of 24
Macbeth on his ambition
'I have no spur to ***** the sides of my intent, only vaulting ambition'
7 of 24
Lady Macbeth admonishes Macbeth for breaking his promise to her
'I would while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my... from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had i so sworn as you'
8 of 24
Lady Macbeth undermines Macbeth's masculinity
'When you durst do it then you were a man'
9 of 24
Lady Macbeth to Macbeth on his courage
'Screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail'
10 of 24
Macbeth on Lady Macbeth being masculine
'Bring forth men children only! For thy undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males'
11 of 24
Macbeth sees a vision of a dagger
'Is this a dagger i see before me?'
12 of 24
Macbeth on his sleep after he murders Duncan
'Sleep no more! Macbeth doth murder sleep!'
13 of 24
Macduff to Lady Macbeth (dramatic irony)
'O gentle lady, T is not for you to hear what i can speak'
14 of 24
Macbeth on his rising levels of paranoia/mania to Lady Macbeth
'We have scotched the snake, not killed it' 'O full of scorpions is my mind dear wife!'
15 of 24
Macbeth sees Banquos ghost at the feast
'Never shake thy gory locks at me'
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Macbeth thinks that revenge will come for him
'Blood will have blood'
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Macduff to malcolm
'I am treachorous' 'I have lost my hopes' 'Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evils to top macbeth'
18 of 24
Macduff about Macbeth
'An untitled tyrant'
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Macduff on the murder of his family
'What all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop'
20 of 24
Lady Macbeth on the vision of blood on her hands
'Out damned spot!'
21 of 24
Lady Macbeth speaking in rhyme
'The Thane of fife had a wife: where is she now?'
22 of 24
Macbeth preparing to face Macduff and the English army
'I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked'
23 of 24
Macduff reveals he was born by cesarean
'Macduff was from his mothers womb untimely ripped'
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The Witches at the beginning of the play


'Fair is foul and foul is fair'

Card 3


Lady Macbeth on Macbeth's kind nature


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Lady Macbeth talking to the spirits


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Lady Macbeth's advice to Macbeth


Preview of the front of card 5
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