M2 fluid therapy in the emergency patient


1. 4) A 10yo German Shepherd Dog presents in shock with abdominal distension that is confirmed to be gastric-dilation volvulus. You commence fluid resuscitation with Hartmanns solution. The most useful clinical sign to suggest an improvement in volume status

  • An improvement in pulse quality
  • A decrease in heart rate
  • An increase in heart rate
  • An improvement in patient demeanour
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Hypovolaemic shock refers to

  • Loss of extravascular fluid
  • Loss of red blood cells
  • Loss of intravascular circulating volume
  • Tissue dehydration

3. What are the recommended total shock rate fluids for cats?

  • 90mls/kg in incremental boluses
  • 90mls/kg in one dose
  • 60mls/kg in incremental boluses
  • 60mls/kg in one dose

4. Extravasation is the term used to describe

  • Fluid leaking outside a vein during administration
  • Blood flowing back into an intravenous catheter
  • Infection at the catheter site
  • Too much intravenous fluids being given

5. Which of the following is not associated with hypovolaemic shock?

  • Cold extremities
  • Pale mucous membranes
  • Increased urine output
  • Tachycardia


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