Love's Philosophy

Who wrote Love's Philosophy?
Percy Bysshe Shelly
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What could Shelly have inherited (if he chose to)?
A large estate and a seat at parliament
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Shely chose not to inherit the estate or the seat at parliament, what does this show about him?
That he is a simple, down to earth person
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Did Shelly elope?
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What Kind of poems does Shelly Write?
Lyrical poems about nature (key figure in English romanticism)
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In much of the poem, Shelly talks about things in pairs, why is this?
he believes nothing in the world is single
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Finish the quote 'The winds of ___'
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what persuasive device is used at the end of stanza one?
Rhetorical question
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Stanza one and two refer to different sides of their relationship, what are they?
Emotional and physical
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How does Shelly show that staza one and two talk about different sides of the relationship?
In stanza one phrases like 'mingle', 'emotion' and at the end 'why not I with thine?'. But in stanza two phrases like 'kiss' and 'clasp' are used. This shows that he wants a physical and emotional relationship
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Finish the quote 'waves __ one another'
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Both stanzas end with what?
A rhetorical question
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What is the effect of the rhetorical question on the reader?
It evokes sympathy with the reader
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Finish the quote '___ in the world is ___'
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what does the quote 'nothing in the world is single' mean?
That everything in the world comes in pairs so he should be with his lover
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What is the rhyme scheme?
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What does the rhyme scheme show?
That his argument is going nowhere and he is going in circles. But, it reinforces his point that everything is connected and had a pair
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Finish the quote 'no ____ would be forgiven'
Sister flower
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In the second stanza Shelly has repetition on 'and the', what does this show?
He has so many examples of why they should be together also he is very desperate to prove his point
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Why does Shelly use nature to prove his philosophy?
because nature is universal and is something everyone can relate to. Also everything in the nature ecosystem relies on something else to survive
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What could Shelly have inherited (if he chose to)?


A large estate and a seat at parliament

Card 3


Shely chose not to inherit the estate or the seat at parliament, what does this show about him?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Did Shelly elope?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What Kind of poems does Shelly Write?


Preview of the front of card 5
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