Love's Philosophy

  • Created by: alanna
  • Created on: 27-05-18 18:42
Love's Philosophy
Percy Shelley
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When was the poem written?
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What type of poet was Percy?
A romantic poet- romanticism was an artistic and literary movement in the 18th and 19th centuries which put emphasis on emotion and nature.
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What is the poem about?-1
The narrator is addressing a woman- he's trying to persuade her to be with him romantically.
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What is the poem about?-2
The narrator gives examples to show how everything in nature is connected in an intimate and loving way. He believes that this is God's law and that this law should be obeyed.
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What is the poem about?-3
He asks the woman he's addressing why she's ignoring God's law by refusing to have a loving relationship with him. He finally questions what use all the bonds in nature are if he can't be with her.
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The poem is short and simple- the narrator believes that what he's saying is a simple truth. The poem has a regular ABAB rhyme scheme, but two lines in each stanza don't fully rhyme- this reflects the way that nature is in harmony except this couple.
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Tightly structured- persuasive. Narrator uses most of each stanza to build up evidence to support his argument that everything in nature is supposed to come together. He uses a short line at the end of each stanza to ask a rhetorical question.
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Language about nature
The narrator uses personification to show the natural world giving, receiving, and benefiting from love- this emphasises his point that love itself is natural and necessary.
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Repetition is used to show how everything in nature repeatedly connects with everything else. Repeating words such as "mingle", "kiss" and "clasp" emphasises the physical relationship he wants.
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Religious language
Language to do with God suggests that love is't just natural, it's also godly.
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The narrator longs for love. He's frustrated that his love is't returned when he sees all the bonds that exist in nature.
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The poem can also be read in a playful way- the narrator oversimplifies the idea that because things in nature come together, he and the woman he wants should also come together.
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Card 2


When was the poem written?



Card 3


What type of poet was Percy?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the poem about?-1


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the poem about?-2


Preview of the front of card 5
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