Lord Of The Flies Quiz

Lord Of The Flies Quiz


1. LOTF has 8 main symbols, which of the following IS one of the symbols?

  • The Shoe
  • The Scar
  • The Fishing Net
  • The Aeroplane
  • The Beach
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Who dies last in the novel?

  • Piggy
  • Simon
  • Jack
  • Ralph
  • Eric

3. Who saves the charcters at the end?

  • Tooth Fairy
  • Naval Officer
  • Sailor
  • Pilot
  • Santa

4. Who IS NOT a charcter in the novel?

  • Simon
  • Jack
  • Piggy
  • Josh
  • Sam

5. What is Ralphs nickname at the beggining of the novel?

  • Skinny Boy
  • Fair Haired Boy
  • Fat Boy
  • Scruffy Haired Boy
  • Perfect Haired Boy







I've only ever seen this film once, never read the book. 60% (2 wrong) Not too bad methinks and its been over two years since i've seen it.. BOOM

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