Lord of the flies


1. What is significant about Piggy's death?

  • Jack was finally in control
  • Piggy and the conch 'die' together, suggesting that all civilised values have now vanished from the island.
  • People laughed
  • They got the annoying boy out the picture
1 of 5

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2. Ralph mocks Piggy at the start of the novel, yet mourns his death at the end. What is interesting about the early development of the relationship of Ralph and Piggy?

  • Ralph gradually realises how valuable Piggy's ideas are and comes to rely on him.
  • Ralph had no respect for Piggy
  • Ralph hated Piggy
  • Ralph thought Piggy should of been leader

3. Why is the death of Simon so important?

  • Because the manner of his death is horrific: even the sensible characters were involved.
  • He was a Jesus figure
  • Because he was the second to die
  • The boys had fun without him

4. What is the significance of the first fire on the mountain?

  • Everyone bullies Piggy
  • This fire shows us how relationships between the boys are developing and prepares us for future danger
  • They built up friendships
  • It was fun

5. Why is the beast such an important part of the plot?

  • The older boys bully the younger boys
  • Because fear of the beast unites the boys at a stage when their friendships are beginning to fall apart.
  • They get to kill Simon
  • It is funny


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