Other questions in this quiz

2. Who is the winner of this vote?

  • Ralph
  • Sam
  • Jack
  • Eric
  • Piggy

3. Who do the boys suspect died in the fire?

  • Ralph
  • Jack
  • The boy with the birth mark
  • Simon
  • Sam

4. How is Piggy killed at the end?

  • Jack pushes a rock onto him
  • He is killed in a fire
  • Roger pushes a rock onto him
  • Jack stabs him with a spear
  • A shelter falls on him

5. What does Piggy say they should have done first before making a fire?

  • Sing
  • Gather more wood
  • Elect a leader
  • Build shelters
  • Find food




This was helpful, thanks

Dionne Fearon


very helpful, thank you.



thank you alot this helped!!

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