Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these would you expect to observe in a chronic liver failure patient?

  • Reduced prothrombin time
  • Hypoalbuminaemia
  • Hyperalbuminaemia
  • Hyperuricema

3. Which of these is associated with chronic liver failure?

  • HPV
  • Epstein Barre
  • H. Pylori
  • FAP

4. Which of these is NOT part of the King's college non-paracetamol induced criteria?

  • Arterial pH of less than 7.3
  • Serum billirubin of more than 300 micromoles/litre
  • Less than 7 days from the onset of jaundice to coma
  • Age of more than 40 years

5. Which of these is NOT part of the King's College paracetamol induced criteria?

  • Serum creatinine of more than 300 micromoles/litre
  • Grade 3 hepatic encephalopathy
  • Serum billirubin of more than 300 micromoles/litre
  • INR of more than 6.5


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