
  • Created by: Zainab10
  • Created on: 16-04-17 19:54
what is a lipids?
macromolecules, containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
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what is a triglyceride?
have one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids attached to it.
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what are the bonds between the glycerol and fatty acid?
ester bonds.
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how any ester bonds on one triglyceride?
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how is a ester bond formed?
in a condensation reaction.
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the process of synthesising a triglyceride is called ?
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how can a triglyceride be broken down?
by a hydrolysis reaction.
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what is a fatty acid?
a long chain of hydrocarbons,
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what are the tails?
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what does hydrophobic mean?
repels water molecules
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what does the hydrophobic tail mean
the tails make lipids insoluble
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what are the two type of hydrocarbon tails like?
saturated and unsaturated.
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what is the structure of a fatty acid like?
a carbon double bonded to a oxygen, an R group- hydrocarbon chain, and a ydroxly group which then bonds to a glycerol molecule to make a lipid.
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what is the general formula for a fatty acid?
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what is a phospholipd?
one glycerol molecule, two fatty acid chains and a molecule of phosphate.
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what does the phosphate do?
its hydrophillic, attracts water.
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what does the structure of a cholestrol molecule like?
hydrocarbon ring structure, attrached to a hydrocarbon tail, and a polar hydroxly attaches to the ring also.
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function of a triglyceride?
the main energy storage in plants and animals, some bacteria use it a store for carbon and energy.
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why triglycerides are good for storage?
long hydrocarbon chains contians alot of energy, so when broken down, alot of energy is released.
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are triglycerides insoluble?
yes, hydrophobic tails are on the inside, and the glycerol molecule is on the outside, so they repel water.
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what is the function of a phospholipids?
found in phospholipid bilayers, of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
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what is the function of a cell membranes?
control what enters and leaves the cell. heads are hydrophilic, due to the phosphate, and the tails are hydrophobic. this means water soluble molecules can't pass through easily.
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function of cholestrol?
in eukaryotes they strengthen the mebrane, by interacting with the phosopholipid bilayer. choloestrol is a small flattened shape, allowing it to fit inbetween the hydrophobic tails, packing more closely together, membrane more rigid, less fluid.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a triglyceride?


have one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids attached to it.

Card 3


what are the bonds between the glycerol and fatty acid?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how any ester bonds on one triglyceride?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how is a ester bond formed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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