limited liability (1.2.2)

  • Created by: lee42
  • Created on: 03-06-19 14:43
what are private limited companies?
Private limited companies (Ltds) are companies where ownership of shares is restricted.
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what are advantages private limited companies?
shareholders have limited liability, ownership restricted and easy to get a loan
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what are disadvantages private limited companies?
finance needed to incorporate the business, they are legally obliged to publish their accounts each year
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what are publix limited companies?
Public limited companies sell shares on the stock exchange.
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what are the advantages of a public limited company?
selling shares on stock exchange allows company to invest, much easier to raise capital and shareholders have limited liability
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what are the disadvantages of a public limited company?
owners have very little say on the run of the business, anyone can take over the company, accounts must be made public
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Card 2


what are advantages private limited companies?


shareholders have limited liability, ownership restricted and easy to get a loan

Card 3


what are disadvantages private limited companies?


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Card 4


what are publix limited companies?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the advantages of a public limited company?


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