
  • Created by: AST135
  • Created on: 03-03-23 17:52
How does light travel?
Light travels as waves.
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What is a spectrum?
A band of color, as seen as rainbow, is reflected by a glass prism.
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How does light travel though a translucent material?
Light will be scattered. We are not able to see clearly through translucent mterial.
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Light or sound first?
Light is first to be seen rather than hearing the sound.
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What is the law of reflection?
Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection
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What happened if light is reflected to an opaque material?
Because an opaque material is not smooth, light will goes off in all direction.
Some of it will be absorbed, some of it will be reflected.
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What is a diffuse reflection?
Diffuse reflection is when light is reflected onto an opaque material and light is scattered in all direction.
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What happened if light is projected on a transparent material?
Light will be transmitted through a transparent material and will clearly see the light on the other side.
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What is refraction?
Refraction is the change in direction of a wave passing from one medium to another caused by its change in speed.
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What does the aperture do?
The aperture is a hole that can be adjusted to allow different amount of light comes in.
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What does retina do?
Retina converts light that enters into your eye into electrical signals your optic nerve sends to your brain which creates the images you see
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What does the cornea do?
The cornea enable you to focus on light.
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What does lens do?
Lens helps you to focus on the light.
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What does pupil do?
To allows the light to enter the eye.
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What happens to your pupil when the light is dim?
The pupil will expands to allow more light to enter your eyes. On the other side, pupil will contract will the light is brighter.
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What does the sensor do?
It receives incident light that is focused through a lens or other optics
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Which three colors does the cone cells detected?
Red, green and blue colors.( Primary colors)
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How many colors are the white light contained?
Seven colors. (The rainbow)
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Which colors refracted the most and why?
Violet refracted the most because the has shorter wavelength.
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What color comes out when I use a green filter?
Only the color green.
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What color comes out when blue filter is used?
Only the color blue.
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What color comes out when I used yellow filter?
Only red and green colors.
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What color comes out when I use violet filter?
Only red and blue colors.
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What colors comes out when I used Cyan filter?
Only green and blue colors.
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Why does only one color comes out when I used a primary color filter?
It is because other colors in the rainbow is absorbed and only the color of the filter from the light is transmitted because it is not absorbed.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a spectrum?


A band of color, as seen as rainbow, is reflected by a glass prism.

Card 3


How does light travel though a translucent material?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Light or sound first?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the law of reflection?


Preview of the front of card 5
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