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6. What had SA membership grown to by 1934?

  • 4,000,000
  • 3,000,000
  • 12,000,000
  • 500,000
  • 6,000,000

7. Who led the White Rose Movement?

  • Robert and Rebecca Demiter
  • Ernst Rohm
  • Himmler
  • Hans and Sophie Scholl
  • Pope Niemoller

8. What was the aim of the Night of the Long Knives?

  • To publicly hang political opponents
  • To destroy the Catholic Church
  • To purge the SA
  • To destroy the Protestant Church
  • To purge the Jews

9. Why was Beauty Through Labour unfair?

  • Women were used to promote it
  • Workers only had holidays if they completed the Beauty Through Labour scheme
  • Workers had to paint their own factories for no extra pay and out of work hours
  • The Hitler Youth had to complete it
  • The Churches were in control of it

10. Teachers were dismissed on the grounds that they were unreliable because they were Jewish

  • True
  • False

11. What was the KdF or Strength Through Joy?

  • A system set up to censor the leisure time of workers by providing activities and holidays
  • A system used to arrest workers who didn
  • A trade union
  • An organisation which provided homes for workers
  • An organisation which provided welfare benefits to women and children

12. What did Hitler order all Germans to do when they lost the War?

  • Destroy all infrastructure and homes so the allies couldn't have any of it
  • Run away and admit defeat
  • Declare war when the allies arrived