Other questions in this quiz

2. why do Jewish people focus on doing good in this life, and not focus on the next life?

  • So they can live the way God wants them to live
  • Because they don't know what the afterlife is
  • Because God told them to
  • So they can pass into the next life with out spending to long in Sheol

3. Is life after death a physical or spiritual life?

  • It is debated
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Niether

4. What is Gan Eden?

  • A place where God judges Jews once they die
  • A paradise Jews believe they will got to once they die
  • A place of thinking and reflection Jews believe they will go to when they die
  • The promised land

5. What is Sheol?

  • A place where God judges Jews once they die
  • A paradise Jews believe they will got to once they die
  • A place of reflection and thinking Jewish people believe they will go when they die
  • The promised land


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