Lexis & Semantics

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 04-05-13 11:19
Subject Pronoun
Occurs as the actor in the verbal process
1 of 52
Object Prounoun
Occurs as being affected by the verb process
2 of 52
Possessive Pronoun
Demonstrates ownership
3 of 52
Lexical words
Carry explicit meanings and are open to new additions and derivations (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)
4 of 52
Functional Words
Have less explicit meanings and highlight relationships between words (determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns)
5 of 52
Links words, phrases or clauses together
6 of 52
Shows relation in terms of time or place (in, at, by, on)
7 of 52
Replaces nouns and can refer forwards or backwards to them in longer stretches of text
8 of 52
Person pronoun
I, You, She, They
9 of 52
Reflexive pronoun
Myself, himself, themselves
10 of 52
Demonstrative pronoun
This, these, that, those
11 of 52
Relative pronoun
Who, whom, which
12 of 52
Proper noun
Refers to names of people or places
13 of 52
Abstract noun
Refers to states, feelings and concepts with no physical existence
14 of 52
Concrete noun
Refers to objects with a physical existence
15 of 52
Material verbs
Describe actions or events (hit, run, eat)
16 of 52
Relational verbs
Describe states of being or are used to identify (be, appear, seem)
17 of 52
Mental verbs
Describe perception, thought or speech (think, speak, believe, love)
18 of 52
Dynamic verbs
There is a change in state over time (paint, remove, eat)
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Stative verbs
The situation remains constant (love, hold, believe)
20 of 52
Adds further description or modifies a noun
21 of 52
Base form
The simple form of an adjective, modifies
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The adjective form comparing two items (generally ends in -er)
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Adjectives inflected with -est or combined with 'most'
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Add information or modify verb processes, adjectives or other adverbs or whole sentences
25 of 52
How well a text fits together; it's internal logic and construction
26 of 52
Lexical connectors
Provide cohesion within the body of a text
27 of 52
Lexical connector: Addition
And, also, too, in addition, furthermore
28 of 52
Lexical connector: Consequence
So, therefore, thus, as a result, consequently
29 of 52
Lexical connector: Comparative
Similarly, likewise, just as, as well, also, but, however, whereas, and, yet...
30 of 52
Lexical connector: Temporal
Later, next, now, soon, afterwards
31 of 52
Lexical connector: Enumeration
Firstly, then, finally
32 of 52
Lexical connector: Summative
In conclusion, on the whole, with all things considered
33 of 52
When lexical items replace those already mentioned or about to be mentioned
34 of 52
Anaphoric referencing
Referring back to an already stated lexical item
35 of 52
Cataphoric referencing
Referring forward to an as yet undisclosed item
36 of 52
The replacing of one set of lexical items for another so as not to be repetitive
37 of 52
The missing out of a word or words in a sentence
38 of 52
The literal (strict dictionary) meaning of a word
39 of 52
An associated, symbolic meaning based on culturally shared conventions
40 of 52
Words with very similar semantic value
41 of 52
Words with opposite semantic value
42 of 52
The heirarchial structure between lexical items
43 of 52
A socially acceptable word used to talk about something distasteful
44 of 52
A to-the-point and perhaps taboo term
45 of 52
Complementary antonyms
Antonyms with definite opposite meanings
46 of 52
Gradable antonyms
Not exact opposites, can be considered in degrees of the quality
47 of 52
Subordinate (hyponym)
A more specific lexical item
48 of 52
Superordinate (hypernym)
A more general lexical item
49 of 52
An inappropriately vague answer
50 of 52
An inappropriately too specific answer
51 of 52
Conceptual metaphor
A recognisable physical scenario is contrasted with an abstract one to make it more understandable
52 of 52

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Occurs as being affected by the verb process


Object Prounoun

Card 3


Demonstrates ownership


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Carry explicit meanings and are open to new additions and derivations (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Have less explicit meanings and highlight relationships between words (determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns)


Preview of the back of card 5
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