
what is the cognitive theory of learning
Peppa Pig Walks In Iceland
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what is the ads of the cognitive theory of learning
allows the flow of the skill/ lets the performer know when the skill should be used in a game
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what are disads of the cognitive theory of learning
cognitive learners may struggle/ skill may be too dangerous
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what is operant conditioning
1) learning envrionment 2) trial and error 3) shaping and modifiying 4) s-r bonds 5) postive reinforcement
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what are the ads of operant conditioning
enables different skills to be learnt / relates well to part learning
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what are thorndikes 3 laws
law of effecr/ law of exercise / law of readiness
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what is the law of effect
positive reinforcement increase the chance of behaviour reoccuring, strengthening s-r bonds
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what is the law of exercise
the more a skill is repeated the stronger the s-r bonds become
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what is the law of readiness
if a performer is physically and mentally ready to perform a skill, the stronger the s-r bond will be
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what is banduras theory of learning
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what is the short term sensory store
there is a large capacity/ info hed for 0.25 to 1 second/ where selective attention happens
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what his the hort term memory
hold around 7 items of information/ is held for 30 seconds/ know as the workspace, decides what needs to happen
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what is the long term memory
limitless capacity/ held for a long time/ held based on meaning or being assotiated with othr information
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what is level of proseccing
a theory of memory that suggests that memory is affect by 3 processes: structural, phonemic and sematic. this then allows us to deepen our understanding and deeper our level of processing for easier recall
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what is structual processing
we encode only the physical qualites of something ( appearence)
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what is phonemic processing
we encode only the sound
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what is semantic processing
we encode the meaning of something
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what are the 5 ways to imprve memory
chunking/ mentl rehersal, giving meaning to informstion, overlearing a skill, associating with previous experiences
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what are the advantages of the multi-store memory model
easy to understand/ helps explain the effect that brain damage would have
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what are the diads of the multi-store memory model
too smiple, doesnt explain why we remember differnet types of info/ does prove disiinction between short and log memory
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what are the ads of level of precessing
explains why we understand types of information/ explain the longer we analyse the more we rember
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what are the disads of level of processing
longer processing time doesnt mean we recall more/ difficult to know what depth means/ doesnt take into account individual differneces
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the ads of the cognitive theory of learning


allows the flow of the skill/ lets the performer know when the skill should be used in a game

Card 3


what are disads of the cognitive theory of learning


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is operant conditioning


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the ads of operant conditioning


Preview of the front of card 5
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