lean production EWA

  • Created by: Austeja0
  • Created on: 28-02-21 16:24
what is lean production?
Approaches to management that focus on cutting out waste, whilst ensuring quality
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What does lean production require?
-good relationship with suppliers
-committed, skilled employee
-trust between management and employees
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Why do businesses need to cut out waste?
Waste has cost to it. So cutting out waste will reduce the cost of it.
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What are the examples of waste in a business?
over production- making more tan is needed
waiting time- waiting for resources to arrive or for the production process to be over
stocks- held as an acceptable buffer
defects- output that doesn't reach the required quality standards
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what is time based management?
An approach that recognises the importance of time and seeks to reduce the level of wasted time in the production process.
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What are the requirements for time based management?
-able to change products quickly
-rained employees
-trust between workers and managers
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Benefits and drawbacks of time based management
benefits- faster product development, reduction in waste->greater efficiency
drawbacks- need to switch production quickly between different products
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What is simultaneous engineering?
When businesses carry out elements of the production process at the same time which helps the firms develop and launch new products quickly.
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What is cell production?
A form of team working where production processes are split into cells. Each cell is responsible for a complete unit of work.
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Benefits and drawbacks to cell production
Benefits- workers become multi-tasked, greater motivation for employees, quality increases and improves.
Drawbacks- dependent on staff skills, small scale productions may not have enough savings to switch to cell production, must have motivated employees
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What is just-in-time?
Aims to ensure that inputs into the production process only arrive when they are needed.
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Benefits and drawbacks of J.I.T
Benefits- avoids having unsold stock so less costs in holding stock, increases motivation, less ruined stock
Drawbacks- Little room for mistakes, reliant on suppliers, there may be delays in deliveries, high initial set up costs
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What is kaizen?
An approach which of constantly introducing small but frequent chances in a business in order to improve quality.
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benefits and drawbacks to kaizen
Benefits- all members are involved, encourages employees to take ownership for their work, small improvements require less major capital.
Drawbacks- lack of training, difficult to maintain continuous improvements.
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Benefits and drawbacks of lean production
Benefits- more motivation and participation from employees, reduced wastage and stock holding cots, greater quality
Drawbacks- Reduces opportunities to gain economies of scale, staff must be trained well skilled and motivated, my not be able to meet deman
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does lean production require?


-good relationship with suppliers
-committed, skilled employee
-trust between management and employees

Card 3


Why do businesses need to cut out waste?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the examples of waste in a business?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is time based management?


Preview of the front of card 5
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