Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of the following statements about unlawful act manslaughter is FALSE?

  • The act must be a criminal offence
  • The act must be directed at the victim
  • An omission will not suffice
  • The act must cause the death of the victim

3. Which of the following statements about loss of control is FALSE?

  • A delay will not automatically negate the defence of loss of control
  • A considered desire for revenge will not automatically negate the defence of loss of control
  • Loss of control does not require the defendant to suffer a sudden loss of control
  • The prosecution bears the legal burden in respect of loss of control.

4. According to the general rule, consent may provide a defence to which of the following offences?

  • Wounding or causing GBH with intent under s.18, OAPA 1861
  • Battery
  • Maliciously wounding or inflicting GBH under s.20, OAPA 1861
  • Assault occasioning ABH under s.47, OAPA 1861

5. Which of the following statements correctly represents the mens rea of assault occasioning ABH under s.47, OAPA 1861?

  • Intention or recklessness as to causing some harm
  • Recklessness as to causing ABH
  • The mens rea of an assault or battery
  • Intention or recklessness as to causing ABH


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