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6. Mens Rea is the ...

  • Mental Element
  • Physical Element

7. The CA guidelines if the D is denying D I: ' The jury should be directed that they are not entitled to infer the necessary oblique intent unless they feel that -Death or serious harm was a virtual certainty - D appreciated that such was the case

  • True
  • False

8. The defendant will only be found guilty if ...

  • It is shown that he intended to commit the crime.
  • It is shown that he was reckless to commit the crime.
  • It is shown that he intended or was reckless to commit the crime.

9. Indirect.Oblique Intent - the consequence was not the purpose of the defendants actions

  • True
  • False

10. The MR of murder is...

  • Intended to kill or cause grievous bodily harm
  • Recklessly caused grievous bodily harm
  • Reckless to kill or cause grievous bodily harm
  • Intended to cause grievous bodily harm

11. Killed 3 month old son, threw him against a wall & fractured his skull - died. Claimed real intention was to stop the baby's crying, not to kill.

  • R v Matthews & Alleyne 2003
  • Woollin 1998
  • Nedrick 1986
  • Mohan

12. 'It is necessary for the judge to direct the jury that they may only find an I to kill or do serious bodily harm if they are satisfied that: - Death or serious bodily harm was a v.c - D appreciated that death or serious bodily harm was a v.c

  • Lord Denning
  • Lord Steyn
  • Lord Mance

13. Specific Intent Crimes -

  • Crimes where the only MR is intention (murder, s.18, theft)
  • Crimes can be committed intentionally or recklessly (assault, battery, s.47, s.20)

14. DPP v Smith was criticised by the Law Commission as -

  • looking at it from a reasonable man's POV ignores what the D see's
  • D had no intention
  • looking at it from the D's POV ignores what a reasonable man would have seen
  • D could not have foreseen what would have happened

15. 'It was clear from the evidence that D's main aim was to seriously injure a police officer when he accelerated hard at him.'

  • Nedrick 1986
  • Woollim 1998
  • Mohan
  • DPP v Smith 1961