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6. vidi

  • I have heard
  • I have seen
  • I have seemed

7. spectare

  • to feel
  • to watch
  • to overcome

8. videor

  • alive
  • to seem
  • to see

9. conspectum

  • having tried
  • having caught sight of
  • having decided

10. conspexi

  • I have caught sight of
  • I have planned
  • I have come together

11. visus sum

  • having seemed
  • having seen
  • wine

12. audivi

  • I have heard
  • I have dared
  • so greatly

13. videre

  • to see
  • to seem
  • to watch

14. conspicere

  • to catch sight of
  • I plan
  • I decide

15. ecce

  • escape
  • look
  • horse

16. video

  • victory
  • I see
  • I seem

17. spectavi

  • I have felt
  • I have watched
  • I have seen

18. sentio

  • I follow
  • I fee/notice
  • senator

19. audire

  • to hear
  • to dare
  • so greatly

20. audio

  • I hear
  • I have heard
  • I dare