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6. dum

  • while, until
  • yet
  • not any, none
  • but, however

7. motus

  • do, act, drive
  • motive
  • having been moved
  • make, do

8. sapiens, sapientis

  • true, real
  • stupid
  • wise
  • turn

9. apud

  • among, until
  • near
  • among, with, at the house of
  • among, between

10. num...?

  • why?
  • when?
  • surely....not?
  • surely?

11. quam? or quam!

  • possible
  • how? or how!
  • now? or now?
  • why? or why!

12. propter

  • on account of, because of
  • in return for
  • near
  • suggest, propose

13. post

  • mail
  • next
  • after, behind
  • afterwards

14. proximus, proxima, proximum

  • advance
  • proximity
  • nearest, next to
  • on account of, because of

15. hic, haec, hoc

  • himself, herself, itself, themselves
  • this, he, she, it
  • that, he, she, it
  • into, onto

16. tractus

  • having been driven
  • having been dragged
  • having been moved
  • having been taught

17. sic

  • if
  • this, in this way
  • how
  • that, so that

18. feci

  • I made, I did
  • I thought
  • I drove
  • I forced

19. celer, celeris, celere

  • quick, fast
  • hide
  • slow,
  • near

20. quot?

  • why?
  • how many?
  • how big? how much?
  • quote, quotation