Language Acquisition - Theorists for speech

  • Created by: L
  • Created on: 19-04-15 14:20
What did DeCasper and Spence find?
They found that babies sucked on their dummies more when their mother read them the same story that they'd also read aloud during the last 6 months of the pregnancy
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What did Mehler et al find?
Found that four-day-old French babies increased their sucking rate on a dummy, showing interest or recognition, when they heard French as opposed to Italian or English
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What year did DeCasper and Spence complete their research?
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What did Fitzpatrick find?
Found that the heart rate of an unborn baby slowed when it heard it's mother's voice
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What year did Mehler et al complete the research?
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What year did Fitzpatrick complete the research?
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What was the research made by Petitto and Holowka?
They videoed infants and noted that most babbling came more from the right side of mouth, which is controlled by the left side of the brain. This side of the brain is responsible for speech production.
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What do Petitto and Holowka findings suggest?
Their findings suggest that babbling is a form of preliminary speech.
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What year did Petitto and Holowka complete their research?
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What did the study at Bristol University find?
Babies that are exposed to different languages in their first nine months are more able to pick out the sounds of these languages as they get older
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What was the reason for the Bristol University's findings?
Phonemic contraction- which has occurred less than it would if the baby had been exposed to one language only
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What year did Berko and Brown complete their research?
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Card 2


What did Mehler et al find?


Found that four-day-old French babies increased their sucking rate on a dummy, showing interest or recognition, when they heard French as opposed to Italian or English

Card 3


What year did DeCasper and Spence complete their research?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Fitzpatrick find?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What year did Mehler et al complete the research?


Preview of the front of card 5
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