language techniques and there effects

  • Created by: kjhw1
  • Created on: 10-03-18 22:41
pathetic fallacy
defo: a type of personification where emotions are given to a setting on object or the weather. effect: adds to the atmosphere of the story and effects the mood
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defo: a phase combining two or more contradictory terms. effect: provides the reader with greater context
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emotive lanaguage
defo: choice of words which have been specificaly chosen to invoke an emotional response. effect: the attitude and emotions of the author are made clear to the reader
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defo: an example of what someone has said. effect: makes writing feel more authentic
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defo: a word that shows how an action is perfromed normaly ends in 'ly'. effect: adds to the descriptive effect
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defo: a describing word that describe a noun effect: adds emphasis to the noun
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defo: compares one thing to another. effect: used to create a strong image in someones mind
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choice of words
defo: using more unusaul specialized or technical words effect: makes the reader sound like they really know the topic and provides a more specific meaning
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rhetorical question
defo: a question that deos not require an answer. effect: used to make the reader think about the possible answer and involve them in the text
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defo: a comparison of one thing to another using words 'like' or 'as'. effect: used to create an imagnative thought of what is being described
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defo: exaggeration. effect: allows a feature to be stressed for effect and can emphasise the mood
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defo: when an inamate object is given human qualities. effect: often makes the reader feel inquistive and brings the object to life by allowing us to assign it human aspects
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defo: words sound like the sounds they name. effect: helps the reader hear the actual sound being named and therfore makes the reader understand it properly
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defo: when a series of words begin with the same letter/the same sound. effect: used for dramatic effect as makes the text flow better , draws attenetion and can set the mood
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defo: the action of repeating something that has already been said and written effect: draws atteneton to and emohasises the ideal word/phrase/themel/concept and it highlights its importance
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Card 2


defo: a phase combining two or more contradictory terms. effect: provides the reader with greater context



Card 3


defo: choice of words which have been specificaly chosen to invoke an emotional response. effect: the attitude and emotions of the author are made clear to the reader


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Card 4


defo: an example of what someone has said. effect: makes writing feel more authentic


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Card 5


defo: a word that shows how an action is perfromed normaly ends in 'ly'. effect: adds to the descriptive effect


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