Language and Occupation

  • Created by: 10dhall
  • Created on: 27-04-17 23:44
What are some ways can power be created in?
Prosodic and paralinguistic features, interruptions and topic management, formal register, negative politeness, hidden directives, field specific lexis, semantic fields, imperatives
1 of 6
What is an example of language in occupation?
Legalese in Law, which involves old and middle English, Latin, french, and religion
2 of 6
Facts about law-language?
Syntax is very complex, common words have uncommon meanings (function shiftings), uses alot of modal verbs, repitition in phonological features
3 of 6
What is Jargon?
Special words used by a particular occupation
4 of 6
Is jargon a good thing?
It can be seen as used to create power and superiority, unncessarily complex, unnecessary elaboration, politicians use euphemisms to distort their speeches when referring to sensitive topics
5 of 6
What are euphemisms?
A less harsh word for something sensetive
6 of 6

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Card 2


What is an example of language in occupation?


Legalese in Law, which involves old and middle English, Latin, french, and religion

Card 3


Facts about law-language?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Jargon?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Is jargon a good thing?


Preview of the front of card 5
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