Language & Gender

Women are more polite than men. Women use language for socialising, men use language for information.
1 of 10
Eakins & Eakins
Studied work meetings. Men speak for longer and interrupt more.
2 of 10
Keith & Shuttleworth
Women complain/nag, talk too much and are more supportive/cooperative. Men swear more, dominate conversation, speak with authority and are more competitive.
3 of 10
New York department store study. Hypercorrectness found mostly in middle class women.
4 of 10
Difference model (different but not superior). Status Vs Support. Independence Vs Intimacy. Advice Vs Understanding. Information Vs Feelings. Orders Vs Proposals. Conflict Vs Compromise.
5 of 10
Women's oral culture is gossiping. House talk, scandal, bitching, chatting. Women talk for the sake of it.
6 of 10
Women's language is weak. Tag questions, empty adjectives, no coarse language, super polite forms, indirect requests, no sense of humour.
7 of 10
Women do the conversational shitwork. Mixed gender conversations don't work because of the lack of male responses, not because of any female speech features.
8 of 10
Language is man-made (humanity is called MANkind, sex is called penetrative sex when only men can penetrate).
9 of 10
Women's vocabulary is small so they know it well and can speak fluently. Women don't finish their sentences because they speak without thinking. Women are emotional, not grammatical.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Studied work meetings. Men speak for longer and interrupt more.


Eakins & Eakins

Card 3


Women complain/nag, talk too much and are more supportive/cooperative. Men swear more, dominate conversation, speak with authority and are more competitive.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


New York department store study. Hypercorrectness found mostly in middle class women.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Difference model (different but not superior). Status Vs Support. Independence Vs Intimacy. Advice Vs Understanding. Information Vs Feelings. Orders Vs Proposals. Conflict Vs Compromise.


Preview of the back of card 5
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