Labour divisions and Conservative fall from power 1964

Where did Harold Wilson hold informal political discussions with his closest advisors?
No. 10 Downing Street Kitchen
1 of 12
Who did Wilson fear would remove himself and George Brown from power?
James Callaghan and Roy Jenkins
2 of 12
Was Wilson a Gaitskellite or Bevanite?
3 of 12
What happened after the 1959 election that displeased the british public?
Conservative government under Macmillan allowed increased immigration
4 of 12
Why was Ted Heath unpopular compared to Wilson?
Wilson had a working class background with greater charisma
5 of 12
How much debt did the Labour government take on in 1964?
£376 million
6 of 12
What scandal happened in 1963 that damaged the credibility of the Macmillan premiership?
The Profumo Affair
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What new government department was established in 1964 to tackle the budget deficit?
The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
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Why was the Concorde significant to Britain in the 1960’s?
It was a symbol for technological and scientific progress which pushed Britain on a new course
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Who became PM after the resignation of Harold Macmillan?
Alec Douglas-Home
10 of 12
What was Wilson’s stance on the EEC?
He held no strong opinion on the matter
11 of 12
What was the main economic policy undertaken by Wilson, in order to unite Labour?
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who did Wilson fear would remove himself and George Brown from power?


James Callaghan and Roy Jenkins

Card 3


Was Wilson a Gaitskellite or Bevanite?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened after the 1959 election that displeased the british public?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was Ted Heath unpopular compared to Wilson?


Preview of the front of card 5
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