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6. What is a Trophic Level?

  • The position of organism in food chain.
  • Hunts prey.
  • The position of something on the Evolutionary Tree.
  • The population of different species in one habitat.

7. What do Chroplasts do?

  • Carry out photosythsis.
  • Control cells.
  • Carry out respiration.
  • Synthesis protein.

8. What is the Community?

  • Is a gradual change in organsims over time.
  • The interaction of a community in a living organsims
  • A population of different species living in a habitat.
  • All the organsims of one species living in one habitat.

9. What is the Eco-System?

  • Is a gradual change in organsims over time.
  • The interaction of a community in a living organsims.
  • The place where organsims live.
  • All the organsims of one species living in one habitat.

10. What does Cytoplasm do?

  • Where respiration is carried out.
  • Where chemical reactions occour.
  • Where cell sap is stored.
  • Where photsythesis is carried out.

11. What is a Carnivore?

  • Eats both animals and plants.
  • Hunts for food.
  • Eats only meat.
  • Eats only plants.

12. What is Population?

  • Interaction of a community of a living organsims.
  • Grouping objects by what they have in common.
  • All the organsims of one species living in one habitat.
  • The place where organsims live.

13. What is a Habitat?

  • All the organsims of one species living in one habitat.
  • Something that eats something else.
  • The place where organsims live.
  • A population of different species living in a habitat.

14. What happens in the Cell Membrane?

  • Where respiration occours.
  • Where protein is synthesis.
  • Controls movement in the cell.
  • Controls cells.

15. What does a Nucleus do?

  • Synthesis protein.
  • Controls cells.
  • Provides Strength and Support.
  • Carry's out protein.

16. What is the order in food change?

  • Secondary Consumer, Primary Consumer, Teritary Consumer, Producer
  • Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Teritary Consumer, Producer.
  • Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Teritary Consumer.
  • Producer, Primary Consumer, Teritary Consumer, Secondary Consumer.

17. What does the Cell wall do?

  • Provide strength and support.
  • Control cells.
  • Synthesis protein.
  • Carry out photosythesis

18. What is the order of the groups?

  • Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
  • Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Species, Genus.
  • Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom.
  • Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Genus, Family Species.

19. What is a Abiotic Factor?

  • A animal that only eats meat.
  • Something that eats something else.
  • Non-living factors of the environment eg: temp
  • Living factors of the environment eg: food

20. What is Classifaction?

  • The places where organsims live.
  • We group objects by what they have in common.
  • Non-living factors of the environment eg temp.
  • Population of different species in one area.