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6. What is the best way to describe a domestic incident?

  • must include someone who is minimum of 16 years old
  • family and intimate partners
  • must include someone who is minimum of 11 years old
  • family, friends and intimate partners only - in a dwelling

7. You enter a house under section 17 to search for a man to arrest, when you get there you notice a stolen bike are you able to seize this bike and look around for anymore evidence relating to offences?

  • no, under section 17 you can only enter a house to save life and limb or for an arrest
  • yes, the bike is stolen it doesn't matter what section you are there under
  • no, under section 17 you must have an inspectors authority first
  • yes, you are searching inside a dwelling, you can look anywhere for anything

8. an officer observes a man putting drugs down the inside of his shoe, can the officer search his shoe in public?

  • no, he must be moved to behind a bush first
  • yes, he has reasonable grounds to believe there are drugs within his shoes
  • no, only at a police station
  • yes, under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act

9. kids keep jumping over a mans fence, in order to deter them he sets his dog on the kids to intentionally scare them, and it causes the two girls to be in fear. one of the girls starts shouting and throwing her fists with threatening language which causes

  • just the man who initially scared the girls
  • both
  • just the girl shouting and throwing her arms around
  • none

10. Steve is shouting at Dan, who is inside his own dwelling. Steve intends to cause fear. However Dan is not scared from the threat. is this an offence under section 4 of the Public Order Act?

  • no because Dan is in a dwelling and therefore cannot be the victim of a section 4 offence
  • yes because dan is inside a dwelling but Steve is not
  • no because Dan isn't scared from the threat
  • yes because it could be causing fear to other people

11. a knife falls out of a kids pocket on the caretakers garden whilst he is helping him, is this an offence under section 139a Criminal Justice Act?

  • not an offence because he didn't intend to use it
  • not an offence because it is the care takers property not the schools
  • yes, he is carrying an offensive weapon in public
  • yes, he is still classed as being on school premises because the caretaker looks after the school and has responsibility of it

12. a man commits theft of a car radio, a police officer observes this happening. the man then threatens the police officer with a knife this allows him to escape. is this robbery?

  • no, because the offender did not steal anything from the officer
  • yes, because the offender has used force in order to get away with the robbery
  • no, because the offender hasn't caused the police officer to fear for her own safety
  • yes, because the offender is equipped

13. a group of kids are leaving school. an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the bottles they are drinking from contains alcohol. what can the officer do with the alcohol under the offences against a young persons act ?

  • seize only opened containers and leave the un-opened ones
  • give words of advice and leave the kids to carry on drinking
  • seize any and all suspected alcohol as they are in a public place
  • seize any and all suspected alcohol as they are in a relevant place

14. Section 23 of the misuse of Drugs act, what must a person be told before being searched?

  • the caution
  • you are currently being detained for the purpose of a search
  • nothing has to be told before the search it is only if they find something
  • you are under arrest

15. what are the stages of report on summons (ROS)

  • point out offence, P.A.W, when +3 caution, ROS, and sign PNB
  • point out the offence, when +3 caution, P.A.W, PNB interview, now caution, ROS, and sign PNB
  • point out offence, P.A.W, When +3 caution, PNB interview, ROS, now caution, and sign PNB
  • point out offence, now caution, P.A.W, PNB interview, ROS and sign PNB

16. what is a D.A.S.H form used for?

  • domestic abuse, stalking, honour based violence
  • domestic abuse, assault, stalking, harassment
  • domestic abuse, stalking, harassment
  • domestic abuse, substance misuse, homicide

17. a man has recently got a new motorbike, his neighbour sees this new bike and decides to steal it. he goes to commit theft with something to break the chain with. however, when trying to break the chain he realises he in unable to do so. what type of offen

  • theft
  • robbery
  • 9 (1) a burglary
  • 9 (1) b burglary

18. Person 1 puts a smashed milk bottle in their pocket with the intent of defending themselves later, whilst on their own property. Person 2 carries a knife with her for her own protection. who is committing an offence of possession of an offensive weapon se

  • person 1 only
  • person 2 only
  • both
  • none

19. where can you not search under section 32 PACE?

  • people only
  • anywhere, except a police station
  • premises only
  • premises only after an arrest

20. what is a significant statement

  • a hostile response from the offender
  • something that makes the offender instantly guilty
  • evidence relevant to the investigation that may be used against a person in court
  • a statement made when the offender doesn't respond