Joseph Lister

answering questions from watching Joseph Lister's developments~ and the discovery of chloroform video.


1. what were the problems of chloroform?

  • patients began to die, victims had things in common when dying of chloroform- they were young and healthy
  • it was too expensive to purchase
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. why was chloroform an improvement on ether?

  • it did not share the same effects; like flammable vomiting rush irritating the lungs
  • it was easier to inhale

3. why was doctor Simpson so famous?

  • because he discovered chloroform
  • he wrote a book about the breakthrough of ether

4. how did Dr Snow improve the work of doctor Simpson?

  • improved on hygiene
  • regulated the inhaling of chloroform 1848 inventing the inhaler
  • wrote a book

5. what are the consequences of using random measurements of chloroform?

  • can badly damage the heart;slowing the heart cells making you die
  • put patients in comas




TIP: Could have made the variety of answers harder. 

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